
All list of my past and forthcoming publications/presentations is available at my Researchmap profile, some of which are downloadable in PDF format.

English Publications

Hayashi, T. 2022. A Descriptive Study of Seeing as a Static Type of Grammaticalization: From a Synchronic Perspective. Meikai Journal, Faculty of Languages and Cultures 34: 81-89.

Hayashi, T. 2015. Prepositionalities of Deverbal Prepositions : Differences in Degree of Grammaticalization. Papers in Linguistic Science 21: 129-151. [PDF] 

Refereed Presentations (in English)

Hayashi, T. 2020. Synchrony/Diachrony, Seeing from the Descriptive Perspective on Grammaticalization: The Case of Seeing. The 23rd Annual Meeting of Pragmatics Society of Japan (PSJ). Online. November, Oral presentation.

Hayashi, T. 2019. A Quantitative Perspective on Grammaticalization: The Case of Deverbal Prepositions in English. The 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 15). Kwansei University, Nishinomiya, Japan. August, Poster presentation. [PDF]

Hayashi, T. 2016. A Corpus-based Comparison Between Prepositions Expressing Exclusion. The 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA). Indiana University, Bloomington, United States. November, Oral presentation.

Research Projects

Universals in language change, from a typological perspective, are my main concern. In light of the synchronic and diachronic descriptive study of English deverbal prepositions (my Ph.D. research project; see Hayashi 2015 in detail), I am currently working on English/Japanese comparison of grammaticalized expressions, with respect to the field of theoretical linguistics, namely semantics and pragmatics. Major research achievements include series of studies on lexicalization/constructionalization of Japanese novel expressions and grammaticalization observed in Hateruma Ryukyuan, all of which are published in Japanese:

麻生玲子・林智昭. 2017.「南琉球八重山語波照間方言の引用助詞=teに見られる文法化」『日本言語学会第154回大会予稿集』254-259.

林智昭. 2018.「語彙項目の言語変化に関する基礎研究:2010年『流行語大賞』を例に」『日本語用論学会第20回大会発表論文集』13: 253-256.

林智昭・松浦光. 2019.「インターネットスラングにおける意味変化:新規表現『耐え』を中心に」『日本語用論学会第21回大会発表論文集』14: 89-96.

松浦光・林智昭. 2021.「事象構造メタファーからみた新規表現:『経験値』をめぐる冒険へ」『日本語用論学会第23回大会発表論文集』16: 187-190.